We can change the type of an ordered list...

<ol type="A">
<li>a big red truck
<li>a real fast speedboat
<li>a drum set
<li>a BB gun
<li>a Melanie Griffith
  1. a big red truck
  2. a real fast speedboat
  3. a drum set
  4. a BB gun
  5. a Melanie Griffith

And we can change the type in an unordered list...

<ul type="circle">
<li>a big red truck
<li>a real fast speedboat
<li>a drum set
<li>a BB gun
<li>a Melanie Griffith

The following list types are available...

<ol> Ordered List   <ul> Unordered List
type="1" - numeric: 1,2,3,4... (default)
type="a" - lower alpha: a,b,c,d...
type="A" - upper alpha: A,B,C,D...
type="i" - lower roman: i,ii,iii,iv...
type="I" - upper roman: I,II,III,IV...
  • type="disc" (default)
  • type="circle"
  • type="square"

One more example before we move on. Note that lists can also be nested...

  1. Fruits
    • apples
    • oranges
    • bananas
  2. Nuts
    • peanuts
    • macadamia
  3. Vegetables
    • cucumbers
    • peppers
    • lettuce
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