Aiken, J. R., 1.
Alexander, Scofield and Company, 1, 2, 3
Allegheny River as a means of transportation, 1.
Amalgamated Copper, 1.
American Oil Company, 1.
American Transfer Company, 1.
Andrews, Samuel, partner of John D. Rockefeller, 1, 2, 3.
Archbold, John D.,
opposes South Improvement Company, 1;
gained over by Rockefeller, 2;
practises rebate system, 3;
affiliate with the Standard Oil Company, 4;
before the Pennsylvania courts, 5, 6, 7;
in the fight for the Tidewater Pipe Line, 8;
testimony on underselling, 9;
testimony in Buffalo Conspiracy case, 10;
indicted in Buffalo conspiracy case, 11;
negotiates control of Producers' Oil Company, 12;
denies illegal methods of competition, 13;
before Industrial Commission, 14;
on Standard Oil prices, 15;
director Standard Oil, 16;
on foreign competition, 17.
Atlantic and Great Western R. R., 1, 2, 3, 4.
Baltimore and Ohio R. R., 1.
Barrel Industry, 1.
Bedford, E. T., 1.
Billingsley Bill, The, 1.
Bissell, George H., 1.
Blackmail, 1.
Blanchard, G. R., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Bogus Oil Companies, 1.
Borneo Oil, 1.
Bostwick, Jabez A.,
in South Improvement Company, 1;
joins Standard Oil Company, 2;
in negotiations for sale of Empire Transportation Company, 3;
Standard Oil buyer in oil fields, 4;
introduces "immediate shipment" order, 5;
before the Hepburn Commission, 6;
indicted for conspiracy in Pennsylvania, 7;
a typical Standard Oil witness, 8;
extradition from New York demanded by oil producers, 9;
charged with oppression, 10.
Bradford Oil Fields, 1.
Brands, 1.
Brown, S. Q., 1.
Buffalo Lubricating Company, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
Butts, Mrs. G. C., 1.
By-products, utilization of, 1.
Campbell, B. B.,
ally of Empire Transportation Company, 1;
in the struggle against railway discrimination, 2;
causes indictment of Standard Oil officials, 3;
fights for extradition of Standard Oil officials, 4;
effects compromise with Standard Oil, 5.
Carter, John J., 1.
Cassatt, A. J.,
denies railway discrimination, 1;
defends discrimination, 2;
before Congressional Committee on Commerce, 3;
supports Empire Transportation Company in contest with Standard Oil, 4;
yields to Standard Oil, 5;
ally of Standard Oil in rebate system, 6;
startling testimony in Pennsylvania courts, 7;
submits to Standard Oil drawback system, 8;
aids in the war on the independents, 9.
Central Association, 1.
Chess, Carley and Company, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul R. R., 1.
Choate, Joseph H.,
Standard Oil counsel before New York Senate investigating committee, 1, 2;
in Ohio dissolution proceedings, 3;
in New York liquidation proceedings, 4.
Church, Judge Pierson, 1.
Cincinnati and Marietta R. R., 1, 2.
Clark, M. B., 1.
Cleveland, as a refining centre, 1, 2.
Collins, C. P., 1.
Columbia Oil Company, 1.
Committee System, in Standard Oil Company, 1.
Common Carriers, 1; see also DRAWBACK, REBATE.
Congressional Investigating Committee, 1, 2.
Constituent Companies, in Standard Oil Company, 1.
Corlett, Thomas, 1.
Crescent Pipe Line, 1.
Cunneen, John, 1.
Delamater, Wallace, 1.
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western R. R., 1, 2.
Denslow and Bush, 1.
Directorate of the Standard Oil Company, 1.
Dividends, magnificent, 1, 2, 3.
Dodd, S. C. T.,
counsel for Standard Oil Company before New York Senate investigating committee, 1;
in Ohio dissolution proceedings, 2;
carries out liquidation of Standard Oil Trust, 3;
defends liquidation methods, 4.
Downer, Samuel, pioneer oil-refiner, 1.
Drake, Edwin L., strikes oil, 1.
Drawback, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; see also REBATE.
"Dry-Hole," 1.
Dudley, J. P., 1.
Emery, Lewis,
founds Equitable Petroleum Company, 1;
testifies to spy system of Standard Oil Company, 2;
employees corrupted by Standard Oil Company, 3;
supports Billingsley Bill, 4;
charges Standard Oil Company with legislative bribery, 5;
in Producers' Protective Association, 6;
leads fight for independent pipe-line, 7;
establishes independent foreign markets, 8, 9;
in the struggle for independent seaboard pipe-line, 10;
retires from contest, 11;
Empire Transportation Company,
origin, 1;
in railway pool, 2;
organization, 3;
invades refining field, 4;
contest with Standard Oil Company, 5;
sells out to Standard Oil Company, 6;
formally dissolved, 7;
an important factor in competition, 8;
see also POTTS, JOSEPH D.
Equitable Petroleum Company, 1, 2.
Erie R. R., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.
Ethics of Standard Oil methods, 1, 2.
Everest, H. B. and C. M., 1, 2.
Flagler, Henry M.,
partner in Standard Oil Company of Cleveland, 1;
denies existence of rebate system, 2;
character, 3;
in South Improvement Company, 4;
takes part in organization of Central Association, 7;
negotiates with Empire Transportation Company, 8, 9;
before Ohio investigating committee, 10;
indicted for conspiracy in Pennsylvania, 11;
extradition demanded by oil producers, 12;
testimony on Tidewater Pipe Line contest, 13;
testimony in the Scofield contest, 14;
before Congressional investigating committee, 15;
director Standard Oil, 16.
Foreign competition, 1, 2, 3; see also RUSSIAN OIL, SUMATRA OIL, JAVA OIL, BORNEO OIL.
Frye, Senator, 1.
Gas versus Oil, 1.
Goldsborough, J. R., 1.
Guffey Petroleum Company, 1.
Handy, Truman P., 1.
Hanna, Marcus A., 1.
Hanna, Robert, 1.
Harkness, C. W., 1.
Harkness, Stephen V., 1.
Harley, Henry, 1, 2, 3, 4; see also PENNSYLVANIA TRANSPORTATION COMPANY.
Hartranft, John F., 1.
Hatch, C. P., 1.
Hatch, Edward W., 1.
Hepburn Commission, 1.
Hoyt, Henry M., 1.
Humboldt Refining Works, 1.
Hunt, Mrs. Sylvia C., 1.
Immediate shipment, 1, 2; see also OPPRESSION.
Independents, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; see also PREDATORY COMPETITION and STANDARD OIL COMPANY.
Industrial Commission, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Interstate Commerce Bill, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Interstate Commerce Commission, 1, 2.
Intimidation and force, 1, 2; see also PREDATORY COMPETITION and ESPIONAGE.
Java Oil, 1.
Jenks, Professor, 1.
Jennings, Walter, 1.
Keene, James R., 1.
Kier, Samuel M., 1.
King, Hugh, 1.
Lake Shore R. R., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6; see also NEW YORK CENTRAL R. R.
Lee, J. W.,
in Producers' Protective Association, 1;
organizes Producers' Oil Company, 2;
a leader in the struggle against the Standard Oil Company, 3;
contest with J. J. Carter, 4;
in the fight for a free pipeline bill, 5.
Legislative Corruption, 1; see also LOBBYING and BRIBERY.
Lobbying, 1.
Lockhart, Charles,
in South Improvement Company, 1;
absorbs Pittsburg refineries, 2;
in the Central Association, 3;
takes part in the negotiations with the Empire Transportation Company, 4;
before the Pennsylvania courts, 5;
indicted for conspiracy, 6;
leading position in Standard Oil Company, 7.
Logan, John P., 1.
Logan, W. P., 1.
Lombard, Ayres and Company, 1, 2.
McCandless, William, 1.
McClellan, George B., General, 1, 2, 3, 4.
McDonald Oil Field, 1.
McDowell, J. C., 1.
Malicious Litigation, 1.
Matthews, C. B., 1.
Miller, Herman, 1.
Missouri, Kansas and Texas R. R., 1.
Moffett, James A., 1.
Monnett, Frank S., 1.
Morehouse and Freeman, 1.
Nash, George K., 1.
National City Bank, 1.
National Transit Company, 1, 2, 3, 4; see also UNITED PIPE LINES.
National Refiners' Association, 1, 2.
New Jersey Central R. R., 1.
New York Central R. R., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; see also LAKE SHORE R. R.
New York, New Haven and Hartford R. R., 1, 2.
New York, Ontario and Western R. R., 1.
Northern Pacific R. R., 1.
O'Day, Daniel,
enters service of Erie R. R., 1;
passes to Standard Oil Company, 2;
in negotiations with Empire Transportation Company, 3;
enforces drawback system on Pennsylvania R. R., 4;
indicted for conspiracy, 5;
extradition demanded by oil producers, 6;
enforces drawback system on Cleveland and Marietta R. R., 7;
compelled to return drawbacks collected, 8;
at the Buffalo conspiracy trial, 9.
Ohlen, H. C., 1.
found on Oil Creek, 1;
at Pithole, 2;
at Bradford, 3.
Oil City Derrick, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Oil Creek, 1.
Oil Exchange, 1.
Oil Regions,
rush to, 1;
plentiful capital, 2;
social conditions, 3;
rise against South Improvement Company, 4;
wasteful methods, 5;
lose advantage of geographical position, 6;
hostility towards Central Association, 7;
yield to Central Association, 8;
resentment against Standard Oil Company, 9;
lack of effective opposition, 10;
support the Billingsley Bill, 11, 12;
renewed hostility towards Standard Oil Company, 13, 14.
by overcharges, 1;
by refusing shipping facilities, 2;
by discrimination in freight charges, 3;
Page, Howard, 1.
Payne, Oliver H., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Pennsylvania R. R., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.
Pennsylvania Transit Company, 1, 2, 3, 4.
Petroleum, 1.
Petroleum Congress, 1.
Philadelphia and Erie R. R., 1.
Phillips, Thomas W., 1.
Pithole, oil struck at, 1.
Politics, Standard Oil Company in, 1.
Potts, Joseph D.,
organizes Empire Transportation Company, 1;
begins purchase of pipe lines, 2;
opposes South Improvement Company, 3;
organizes railway pool, 4;
opposes rebates to Central Association, 5;
opposes Standard acquisition of pipe lines, 6;
allies himself with independent producers, 9;
abandoned by the Pennsylvania R. R., 10;
sells to the Standard Oil Company, 11;
Pratt, Charles,
enters Standard Oil Company, 1;
stockholder in Acme Oil Company, 2;
in negotiations with Empire Transportation Company, 3;
extradition demanded by Pennsylvania oil men, 4;
leading power in Standard Oil Company, 5.
Predatory competition, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
fluctuation, 1;
high prices aim of Standard Oil Company, 4;
decline after 1866, 5;
prices dictated by Standard Oil Company, 6;
Standard coup of 1876, 7;
high prices reduce exports, 8;
increase of refining, 9;
competition enters, 10;
arbitrary prices, 11;
enormous Standard profits, 12;
underselling, 13;
manipulating price quotations, 14;
fancy brands and high prices, 15;
great variations in local prices, 16;
reasonable prices due to competition, 17.
Producers' Agency, 1.
Producers' and Refiners' Company, 1.
Producers' Protective Association, 1, 2.
Producers' Union (Association),
organized, 1;
refuses terms to South Improvement Company, 2;
arouses popular sympathy, 3;
destroys alliance between South Improvement Company and railways, 4;
renews contest, 5;
restricts production, 6;
alliance with Refiners' Association, 7;
alliance dissolved, 8;
union dissolved, 9;
reorganized, 10;
plans independent pipe line, 11;
brings suits against Pennsylvania R. R., 12;
forces indictment of Standard officials, 13;
presses suits in court, 14;
rejects overtures of the Standard Oil Company, 15;
Production of oil, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Profits, from Standard Oil, 1, 2, 3; see also PRICES.
Quick, M. W., 1.
Quo Warranto Proceedings, 1, 2.
Ramage, S. W., 1.
Rapallo, Edward S., 1.
Rebates, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
Refined Oil Pipe Line, 1.
Rice, George,
assails Standard system of underselling, 1;
attacks rebate system, 2;
seeks liquidation of Standard Oil Trust, 3.
Rogers, H. H.,
opposes South Improvement Company, 1;
defends Standard Oil combination, 2;
before Hepburn Commission, 3;
purchases Vacuum Oil Works at Rochester, 4, 5, 6;
indicted for conspiracy, 7, 8;
negotiates for control of Producers' Oil Company, 9;
on the aims of the Standard Oil Company, 10;
before Industrial Commission, 11, 12;
director Standard Oil, 13.
Rockefeller, John D.,
childhood and youth, 1;
enters produce business, 2;
enters oil business, 3;
organizes Standard Oil Company, 4;
plans combination of Cleveland refiners, 5;
in the South Improvement Company, 6;
bears chief obloquy of scheme, 7, 8;
makes secret terms for rebate with railways, 9;
persists in attempts at oil combination, 10;
in the Oil Regions, 11;
president National Refiners' Association, 12;
effects combination with producers, 13;
breaks alliance, 14;
life threatened, 15;
begins campaign for refining monopoly, 16;
organizes Central Association of Refiners, 17;
war against outside refiners, 18;
attacks Empire Transportation Company, 19;
initiates system of drawbacks, 20;
methods of absorption, 21;
denies existence of Standard combination, 22;
indicted for conspiracy, 23;
extradition demanded by Pennsylvania producers, 24;
makes overtures to producers, 25, 26;
conspiracy suit withdrawn, 27;
campaign for the seaboard pipe-line, 28;
campaign for the world's markets, 29;
fear of his secret methods, 30;
his contest with Scofield, Shurmer and Teagle, 31;
his system of drawbacks, 32;
denies existence of such system, 33;
at the Buffalo conspiracy trial, 34;
his methods perfected, 35;
enemy of publicity, 36;
before the New York Senate committee, 37;
before Congressional committee, 38;
his connection with Marcus A. Hanna, 39;
makes peace with Producers' Protective Association, 40;
his theory of high prices, 41;
his control of the refining industry, 42;
on Standard Oil policy, 43;
his attention to details, 44;
his genius for essentials, 45;
his skill on the witness-stand, 46, 47;
his profits, 48.
Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 1.
Rockefeller, William A.,
in the Standard Oil Company, 1;
attractive personality, 2;
in South Improvement Company, 3;
in Acme Oil Company, 4;
in negotiations with the Empire Transportation Company, 5;
indicted for conspiracy, 6;
extradition demanded, 7;
at Buffalo conspiracy trial, 8;
director Standard Oil, 9;
railway director, 10;
Rutter circular, the, 1.
Scheide, W. T.,
testimony on rebate system, 1;
testimony on underselling, 2;
before the Hepburn Commission, 3;
supports Billingsley Bill, 4.
Scofield, Shurmer and Teagle, 1.
Scott, Rufus, 1.
Scott, Thomas A.,
makes secret contracts with South Improvement Company, 1;
abandons South Improvement Company, 2, 3;
denies rebate agreement with Standard Oil Company, 4;
supports Standard Oil against independents, 5.
Seaboard Pipe Line,
projected, 1;
opposed by Standard Oil Company, 2;
completed, 3;
captured by Standard Oil Company, 4.
Secret bureau of information; see ESPIONAGE SYSTEM.
Secret contracts with railroads, 1, 2; see also REBATE.
Seep, Joseph, 1.
Seneca oil, 1.
Shell Transport and Trading Company, 1.
Sherman, Roger,
counsel for Producers' Union, 1, 2;
in Producers' Protective Association, 3;
charges Standard Oil with conspiracy, 4;
death, 5.
Shull, Peter, 1.
Silliman, Professor, 1.
South Improvement Company,
organized monopoly, 1;
secret contracts with railroads, 2;
absorption by intimidation, 3;
boycotted by producers, 4;
a generous charter, 5;
investigated by Congressional Committee, 6;
charter repealed, 7;
boycott lifted, 8.
Speculation, 1.
Spring-pole, method of drilling wells by, 1.
Squire, F. B., 1.
Standard Oil Company,
organized, 1;
absorbs independent refineries, 2;
held responsible for South Improvement scheme, 3;
enormous profits, 4;
favoured shipper on N. Y. Central R. R., 5;
favoured shipper on Erie R. R., 6;
absorbs Philadelphia, Pittsburg and New York refineries, 7;
obtains rebates from railroads, 8;
absorbs Oil Regions refineries, 9;
invades oil-shipping business, 10;
enters pipe-line field, 11, 12;
monopolizes pipe-line traffic, 13;
absorbs Baltimore refineries, 14;
enters Bradford oil fields, 15;
investigated in various states, 16;
secret methods, 17;
monopolistic character, 18;
rebate and drawback system, 19;
increases prices, 20;
indicted for conspiracy in Pennsylvania, 21;
charges evaded, 22;
seeks compromise with producers, 23;
compromise effected, 24;
conspiracy charge withdrawn, 25;
hinders Tidewater pipe-line, 26;
builds rival lines, 27;
absorbs independent refineries, 28;
seeks to ruin Tidewater's credit, 29;
seeks to dissolve it by legal process, 30;
attempts to seize control, 31;
forms alliance with Tidewater, 32;
extensive pipe-line development, 33;
alliance with Pennsylvania R. R., 34;
monopoly of oil transportation, 35;
contest for world's markets, 36;
efficient selling organization, 37;
secret bureau of information, 38;
intimidation and underselling, 39;
summary of competitive methods, 40;
rebate system, 41;
sued for conspiracy in Buffalo, 42;
its political role, 43;
investigated by N. Y. Senate committee, 44;
its operating constitution revealed, 45;
charter assailed in Ohio, 46;
Standard Trust formally dissolved, 47;
alliance with Producers' Association, 48;
enters producing field, 49;
hinders independent oil movement, 50;
attacks credit of United States Pipe Line Company, 51;
undersells it, 52;
buys up rival's stock, 53;
fights independent seaboard pipe-line, 54;
its control of prices, 55;
destruction of competition its object, 56;
merits of the Standard system, 57;
centralized authority, 58;
committee system, 59;
internal emulation, 60;
minute supervision, 61;
dismantling of unprofitable plants, 62;
wise location of industries, 63;
side-industries, 64;
economy of time, 65;
initiative, 66;
high-grade personnel, 67;
the Standard Trust after formal dissolution in 1892, 68;
contempt proceedings in Ohio, 69;
reorganized as Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, 70;
its constituent companies, 71;
capital and surplus, 72;
its directorate, 73;
its charter, 74;
profits, 75;
invasion of other industrial fields, 76;
its foreign competitors, 77;
present practices, 78;
transportation the basis of its supremacy, 79;
defence of Standard methods, 80;
political and ethical influence, 81.
Stewart, D. B., 1.
Stokes, Edward, 1.
Straight, R. J., 1.
Subsidiary industries, 1.
Sumatra oil, 1.
Sumner, A. A., 1.
Tankage charges; see OPPRESSION.
Tank building begun, 1.
Tariff, the, and the Standard Oil Company, 1.
Tidewater Pipe Company,
organized, 1;
line built under difficulties, 2;
completed, 3;
supported by independent producers, 4;
builds independent refineries, 5;
prospers, 6;
credit assailed by Standard Oil Company, 7;
legal dissolution attempted, 8;
control seized by Standard Oil Company, 9;
forms alliance with Standard Oil, 10.
Tinning industry, 1.
Trust investigations, 1.
Tweedle, S. D., 1.
Underselling, 1, 2, 3, 4; see also PREDATORY COMPETITION.
Union Oil Company, 1.
Union Pacific R. R., 1.
United Pipe Lines, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
United States Pipe Line, 1, 2, 3, 4.
Vacuum Oil Works of Rochester, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Vanderbilt, W. H., 1, 2, 3, 4.
Vandergrift, J. J.,
organizes bulk transportation in oil, 1;
builds pipe-lines, 2;
affiliates with Rockefeller, 3;
vice-president National Refiners' Association, 4;
president United Pipe Lines, 5;
in negotiations with Empire Transportation Company, 6;
before Pennsylvania courts, 7;
leading man in Standard councils, 8;
indicted for conspiracy, 9;
seeks compromise with producers, 10;
testimony on prices, 11;
testimony on trust methods, 12.
Van Syckel, Samuel, pioneer pipe-line builder, 1.
Warden, W. G., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Waring, O. F., 1.
War tactics, 1.
Waste assessments, 1; see also OPPRESSION.
Waters-Pierce Oil Company, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Watson, Jonathan, 1.
Watson, Peter H.,
aids Rockefeller in establishing rebate system, 1;
favours combination of refiners, 2;
in South Improvement Company, 3;
in the raid on independent refiners, 4;
leading spirit of South Improvement scheme, 5;
before Congressional committee, 6, 7, 8;
disregarded by producers, 9;
president Erie R. R., 10.
Well-drilling, 1.
"Wild-catting," 1.
Witt, Stillman, 1.
Wright, William, 1.
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