- HTML Tutorials

ExercisesSo, you want to make a Web Page!   

Exercise 1:
Make a simple page (the "My big ole bad page!" from Lesson 1 will do nicely). Now upload it to either your personal ISP space, the space you've rented on a server, or one of the free web hosts…

(There are dozens of others floating around, but these are the biggies. All give you plenty of space plus lots of extras.)

Uploading your nifty new web page to a web server is often one of the more confusing tasks for the budding web author. There is no easy way to learn except to simply fumble though it the best you can. While the basic principle is the same, specific procedures can vary from person to person so instructions aimed at one person may actually confuse another. Still, some step by step instruction would be nice, even if it only covers most circumstances. I've put together a piece called Upload Your Pages. I'm pretty sure it will help you.

As I said, this is often a hurdle for people, so we're going to kick it hard and first while we've got the energy. Keep at it until you get it. The goal is to get the page (text only is fine for now) on the Internet and know the URL for it. Don't move on until you've tackled this exercise.

Exercise 2:
Got the page up? Good. Next task is to put an image in that page and get it uploaded as well. You can use one of the images out of the tutorial. The page with the image should be viewable on the Internet. Tackle this exercise before moving on to the next.

Exercise 3:
Make a page with a heading. Make the heading kinda large, bold, italic and center it across the top of the page...

Meet Jack


Then add Jack...

Meet Jack

Write a short paragraph or two telling a little about Jack. In your description, highlight something in italics...

Meet Jack
This is Jack. He's an odd little boy that just got an empty box for his birthday. He may look happy, but he's a little disappointed. Now he'll have to put a few things in the box.

Using an unordered bulleted list, list the things that Jack would most like to put in the box...

Meet Jack
This is Jack. He's an odd little boy that just got an empty box for his birthday. He may look happy, but he's a little disappointed. Now he'll have to put a few things in the box.

Jack would really like...

  • Roller blades
  • Magic tricks
  • Anything Pokemon
  • A motorized Lego set

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- Mahatma Gandhi