[Legislature of Pennsylvania. File of the House of Representatives. Number 104, session of 1887.]
An act to punish corporations, companies, firms, associations and persons and each of them engaged in business of transporting by pipe-lines or lines or storing petroleum in tank or tanks, under certain restrictions and penalties from charging in excess of certain fixed rates for receiving, transporting, storing, and delivering petroleum, and to regulate deductions for losses caused to petroleum in pipe-lines and storage tanks by lightning, fire, storm, or other unavoidable causes.
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in general assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same: That no corporation, company, firm, association, person or persons who are now, or shall hereafter engage in the business of transporting or storing crude or refined petroleum by means of pipe-line or pipe-lines, or storage by tank or tanks, shall demand or receive any rate of charge in excess of ten cents per barrel, reckoning forty-two gallons for each barrel, for all services performed within this commonwealth in receiving petroleum from tank or tanks or other receptacle on the lease or farm at the place of its production and transporting and delivering the same, or petroleum of like kind and quantity in every essential particular in the division of such pipe-line within which the same shall have been received at any shipping point in said division which may be designated by the holder, owner, or purchaser of said petroleum, whether said petroleum is held by certificate, voucher, receipt, credit balance, accepted order or otherwise. And such corporation, company, firm, association, person or persons, and each of them are hereby required immediately upon this act becoming a law to erect and establish, if not already established, and maintain thereafter at least one shipping point within each pipe-line division within this commonwealth of sufficient dimensions, capacity and equipment to accommodate the entire trade within each such pipe-line division.
SEC. 2. No such corporation, company, firm, association, person or persons shall demand or receive from any person or persons, firms, association, company or corporation owning or holding a credit balance for petroleum in line or tank within this commonwealth, any rate of charge whatever for the tankage or storage of petroleum owned or so held by credit balance for the first thirty days from the date of said credit balance. And no corporation, company, firm, association, person or persons who are now engaged or shall hereafter engage in the business of transporting or storing crude or refined petroleum by means of pipe-line or pipe-lines, or storage tank or tanks, shall demand or receive, from any source whatever, for the tankage of crude or refined petroleum within this commonwealth any rate of charge in excess of one-sixtieth of one cent per barrel of forty-two gallons a day or fractional part thereof so long as said petroleum shall thereafter be held and stored in tank.
SEC. 3. Such corporation, company, firm, association, person or persons are hereby obliged and required, and it is hereby made the duty of such corporation, company, firm, association, person or persons, and each of them, to hold and store in tank any and all petroleum offered for storage or transportation, or any and all petroleum received and transported by them or either of them for the owner thereof; or for the person or persons holding certificate, voucher, receipt, credit balance or accepted order thereof, for a period of one year or for any shorter period than one year from the time when said petroleum was first received by such corporation, company, firm, association, person or persons for storage, if requested so to do by the owner thereof, or by the person or persons holding certificate, voucher, receipt, credit balance or accepted order therefor, at and for the rate of charge of one-sixtieth of one cent per barrel of forty-two gallons for each day, or fractional part thereof thereafter. Except that when said petroleum is held by credit balance, no rate of charge whatever shall be made or charged on said credit balance for the first thirty days from the date of said credit balance.
SEC. 4. Such corporation, company, firm, association, person or persons shall be allowed to make a deduction from the crude petroleum received, transported or stored, not to exceed one-half of one per cent, of said petroleum so received, transported or stored, on account of water, sediment, evaporation, waste, and the like. The deduction mentioned in this section shall be made when the petroleum is first run or transported by such corporation, company, firm, association, person or persons, from the tank or receptacle on the lease or farm where produced, and it is hereby declared to be unlawful for such corporation, company, firm, association, person or persons to make the reduction in this section provided for at any other time or place than as above provided.
SEC. 5. Any corporation, company, firm, association, officer or officers, agent or agents, person or persons, engaged in the business of transporting or storing crude or refined petroleum within this commonwealth by means of pipe-line or pipe-lines or storage tank or tanks shall, upon application of the owner of any well or wells, lay pipe or pipes to any well or wells on any lease or leases in any locality where there is any oil on any farm or farms in this commonwealth, and receive the oil therefrom and transport the same through their pipe-line or pipe-lines and store the same in their storage tank or tanks, in any division or in any place in any division designated by the owner or purchaser of said petroleum, and hold the same subject to the owner or purchaser at the rate or charge prescribed in the preceding sections.
SEC. 6. Such corporation, company, firm, association, person or persons shall be liable for all loss caused by lightning, fire, storm, or other unavoidable cause to the petroleum received, transported or stored by them, and in the event of any such loss the same shall be charged by said corporation, company, firm, association, person or persons, pro rata, upon and deducted from all petroleum in the custody of such corporation, company, firm, association, person or persons, at the date of such loss.
SEC. 7. Any corporation, company, firm, association, officer or officers, agent or agents thereof, person or persons engaged in the business of transporting or storing crude or refined petroleum within this commonwealth by means of pipe-line or pipe-lines or storage tank or tanks, who shall demand or receive any rate of charge in excess of ten cents per barrel, reckoning forty-two gallons for each barrel, for all services performed within this commonwealth for receiving petroleum from tank or tanks or other receptacle on the lease or farm at the place of its production and transporting and delivering the same or petroleum of like kind and quality in every essential particular in the division of the pipe-line within which the same shall have been received at the shipping points designated by the holder, owner or purchaser of said petroleum, or who shall fail or neglect to erect and establish immediately upon this act becoming a law — if not already established — and maintain thereafter at least one shipping point within each pipe-line division within this commonwealth of sufficient dimensions and capacity and properly equip the same to accommodate the entire trade within each such district, or who shall demand or receive for the storage of petroleum within this commonwealth any rate of charge in excess of one-sixtieth of one cent a barrel of forty-two gallons a day or a fractional part thereof so long as said petroleum shall thereafter be held and stored in tank, or who shall demand or receive from any person or persons, firm, association, company, or corporation owning or holding a credit balance for petroleum in line or tank within this commonwealth, any rate of charge whatsoever for the tankage or storage of petroleum so owned or held by credit balance for the first thirty days commencing from the date of said credit balance, or who shall refuse to hold and store in tank any and all petroleum received and transported by them or either of them for the owner thereof, or for the person or persons holding certificate, voucher, receipt, credit balance or accepted order therefor for the period of one year, or for any shorter period than one year from the time when said petroleum was first received, by such corporation, company, firm, association, person or persons for storage if requested so to do by the owner thereof, or by the person or persons holding certificate, voucher, receipt, credit balance or accepted order therefor, at and for the rate of charge of one-sixtieth of one cent per barrel of forty-two gallons for each day or fractional part thereof thereafter — but no rate of charge whatever shall be had or made for the first thirty days from date of credit balance when oil is held by credit balance — or who shall make any deduction on account of water, sediment, evaporation, waste, or the like, in excess of one-half of one per cent. of the petroleum received, transported, and stored, or who shall violate any or either of the provisions or requirements of any or either of the first sections of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanour, and on conviction thereof shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one thousand dollars nor more than two thousand dollars for the first offense, and for the second and any subsequent offenses to pay a fine of not less than two thousand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars, and to undergo an imprisonment of not less than sixty days and not exceeding one year, one-half of any such fine or fines to be paid to the prosecutor and the other one-half to be for the use of the county in which such offence or offences shall have been committed, and in addition to the penalties hereinbefore provided shall be liable in any action of debt to any person or persons, firm, company, association, or corporation thereby aggrieved for double the amount of the damage sustained by reason of the violation of any of the provisions of this act.
SEC. 8. No contract heretofore made or now existing for receiving, transporting, or storing petroleum within this commonwealth shall be in any manner impaired or affected by the provisions of this act.
SEC. 9. All acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
SEC. 10. This act shall take effect immediately upon its becoming a law.
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