[From manuscript presented to the Industrial Commission by Lewis Emery, Jr.]
This agreement, entered into the ninth day of October, A.D. 1883, by and between the National Transit Company and the United Pipe Lines, each being a corporation of the state of Pennsylvania, parties of the first part, and the Tidewater Pipe Company, Limited, a limited partnership association formed under the laws of the state of Pennsylvania, party of the second part.
Witnessetb: That in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereby made and entered into, the said parties do hereby covenant and agree to and with each other as follows:
First.— That for the purposes of this contract the business hereinafter referred to is divided into departments, one known as the "Gathering Department," one known as the "Transporting Department," one known as the "Interior Export Department," and one known as the "Seaboard Export Department."
All crude petroleum received directly or indirectly from wells located in the state of New York or state of Pennsylvania, and into the system of pipes and tanks now owned or controlled, or which may hereafter be owned or controlled by any party hereto, either directly or indirectly, shall constitute gathering, and the business of so receiving crude petroleum is the business of said gathering department. All deliveries from local lines of pipe of crude petroleum gathered as aforesaid, to or for any of the refineries then embraced in Schedule "A" or Schedule "B" (which schedules are hereto attached and made part of this agreement), and also all deliveries of crude petroleum from any of the trunk lines of pipe now owned or controlled, or which may hereafter be owned or controlled, by any party hereto, either directly or indirectly, and the getting of such crude petroleum to the point of delivery shall constitute transporting, and the business of so getting and delivering crude petroleum is the business of said transporting department, except, and it is agreed, that whatever petroleum gathered as aforesaid shall be delivered to or for any party hereto, or to or for any refinery or refining company then embraced in either of said schedules, for export in its crude state, whether the same shall be delivered from a local line of pipe or a trunk line of pipe, shall not be included in transporting, nor in the business of said transporting department.
All petroleum gathered as aforesaid and delivered from local lines of pipe for export in its crude state (other than deliveries to trunk lines of pipe of such petroleum for export in its crude state) by or for any party hereto or by or for any refinery or refining company then embraced in either of said schedules, shall constitute interior exporting and the business of receiving and exporting such petroleum in its crude state shall be the business of said interior export department.
All petroleum gathered as aforesaid and delivered from trunk lines of pipe for export in its crude state by or for any party hereto or by or for any refinery or refining company then embraced in either of said schedules shall constitute seaboard exporting, and the business of receiving and exporting such petroleum in its crude state shall be the business of said seaboard export department.
All pipes used for gathering and delivering at points in the oil-producing regions are herein called local lines.
All lines of pipe used for transporting beyond the oil-producing regions are herein called trunk lines.
Second.— That in each said department of the business the respective parties hereto shall be entitled to do the following percentage or proportionate part of the aggregate business done by all parties hereto then in said department, viz.: The said parties of the first part eighty-eight and one-half (88-1/2) per centum thereof, and the said party of the second part eleven and one-half (11-1/2) per centum thereof.
Third.— Each party hereto shall do as nearly as practicable its said proportion or percentage of said business. And it is agreed that:
A.— If in any calendar month either party shall gather more than its said percentage of said aggregate of crude petroleum gathered, as gathering is herein defined, it shall pay to the other party on the quantity gathered in excess of its said percentage an amount per barrel equal to three-fourths of the then current full rate per barrel charged for collecting and delivering crude petroleum in the oil-producing regions — commonly called local pipage;
Provided, however, and it is hereby agreed that this clause shall not be applicable to crude petroleum gathered as aforesaid prior to September 1, 1884.
And provided, further, — That the excess over its said percentage gathered prior to September 1, 1884, by either party shall on demand of the other be delivered to the other party at some point or points in the oil-producing regions convenient to both the party receiving and the party delivering (the means and places to be mutually agreed upon) when and as often as the said excess amounts to ten thousand (10,000) barrels, upon legal orders or certificates with storage and assessments thereon paid to date of delivery being presented therefor, or upon the payment of the then market price of United Pipe Line certificates for a like quantity. The party receiving shall pay the party delivering the same a gathering charge often (10) cents per barrel upon all petroleum so delivered.
B. If in any calendar month either the parties of the first part or the party of the second part shall transport and deliver more than their or its said percentage of the said aggregate of crude petroleum transported, as transporting is herein defined, they or it shall pay to the other party twenty-five (25) cents per barrel upon the quantity transported and delivered in excess of their or its said percentage.
Provided, That the amount payable under this clause shall not exceed the amount it would cost to bring said excess from the mouth of a local pipe in the oil-producing regions to either the port of New York or the port of Philadelphia at the then current rate of transportation by any route or method not owned or controlled directly or indirectly by any party hereto.
C. If in any calendar month either party shall do more than its said percentage of business in either the exterior export department or the seaboard export department, it shall pay to the other party twenty-five (25) cents per barrel upon the quantity so exported in excess of its said percentage.
Provided, however, That the amount per barrel payable under this clause shall not exceed the amount per barrel which would be payable under Clause B and its proviso at the same time for excess in the transporting department.
D. If in any year either party shall neglect or refuse to do eighty (80) per centum of its said proportion or percentage in any department of said business, then the party so doing less than eighty (80) per centum of its said proportion shall return or repay to the other party the sums received in that department under the provisions of this paragraph in excess of the sums paid in the same department under the same provisions during the same year.
Fourth.— Each party shall make to the other daily reports showing:
1st. All crude petroleum gathered, as gathering is herein defined.
2nd. All crude petroleum delivered from local lines other than deliveries to trunk lines, stating when, where and to whom delivered.
3rd. All crude petroleum delivered from local lines to trunk lines, stating when, where and to which line delivered.
4th. All crude petroleum delivered from trunk lines, stating when, where and to whom delivered.
5th. All crude petroleum exported in the crude state, stating when, where and from whom received, so as to distinguish between receipts from local lines and receipts from trunk lines, and when, where and to whom delivered for export. The correctness of such reports shall, if required by either party, be verified by the party making them.
Fifth.— On all deliveries of crude petroleum from local lines made by said parties of the first part or either of them, other than such deliveries as constitute transporting, as transporting is hereinbefore defined, the parties of the first part will account for and pay to the party of the second part eleven and one-half (11-1/2) per centum of the then current full rate of local pipage, first deducting from such full rate ten (10) cents per barrel for the work of gathering and delivering such petroleum.
On all deliveries of crude petroleum from local lines made by said party of the second part other than such deliveries as constitute transporting as hereinbefore defined, the party of the second part will account for and pay to the parties of the first part eighty-eight and one-half (88-1/2) per centum of the then current full rate of local pipage, first deducting from such full rate ten (10) cents per barrel for the work of gathering and delivering such petroleum.
Sixth.— It is agreed that in case of excess of deliveries over the quantity gathered, as gathering is herein before defined, by all the parties hereto, the stocks in custody of the respective parties shall to the extent of such excess be diminished in the ratio of eighty-eight and one-half (88-1/2) per centum thereof from the stocks in custody of said parties of the first part, and eleven and one-half (11-1/2) per centum thereof from the stocks in custody of said party of the second part; and to this end it is agreed that whenever and as often as under the working of this agreement the depletion of the stocks in the custody of either of the respective parties shall amount to ten thousand (10,000) barrels in excess of such party's percentage of depletion, then the other party shall and will on demand deliver, and the party whose stocks are so depleted will when tendered receive, said ten thousand (10,000) barrels at some point or points in the oil-producing regions convenient to both the party receiving and the party delivering (the means and place to be mutually agreed upon), upon legal orders or certificates with storage and assessments thereon paid to date of delivery being presented therefor, or upon the payment of the then market price of United Pipe Line certificates for a like quantity. The party receiving shall pay to the party delivering a gathering charge of ten (10) cents per barrel upon all petroleum gathered.
Seventh.— A settlement shall be made on or before the fifteenth day of each month of all business done under this agreement during the preceding month, and payment shall then be made of all such sums as under the terms hereof shall be found payable by either party to the other.
Eighth.— If in any year the profits of the party of the second part added to the profits of the several refineries then embraced in Schedule "B" shall in the aggregate amount to less than five hundred thousand (500,000) dollars (excluding from the calculations all profits realised and losses sustained from speculation and the value of property destroyed by fire), then the said party of the second part shall have the right within three months from the time the profits of such year shall have been ascertained to cancel this agreement.
Provided, however, That the said right shall not exist or shall not be exercised under the following circumstances, to wit:
1st. If the average of such profits during the said year and all previous years from the beginning of this agreement shall equal five hundred thousand (500,000) dollars per year.
2nd. If the said parties of the first part or either of them shall contribute to the said party of the second part such sums of money as together with the said profits for the said year will make the average profit five hundred thousand (500,000) dollars per year.
And provided, further, That in exercising the right of cancellation the said party of the second part must give to one or both of said parties of the first part three (3) months' written notice of said cancellation, which notice must be accompanied by a statement of the said profits of the party of the second part, and of said refineries then embraced in Schedule "B," and any contributions made as aforesaid must be made within the said three (3) months.
The party receiving said notice shall have the right to verify the statement by an examination of the books of said party of the second part, and books of said refineries.
Ninth.— All refineries now owned or controlled by those owning or controlling a majority of the refineries embraced in Schedule "A" are or shall be included in Schedule "A"; and all refineries which may hereafter be acquired or controlled in the same interest shall, as acquired or controlled, be added to said Schedule "A," and by such addition be included in the terms of this agreement.
All refineries now owned or controlled by those owning or controlling a majority of the refineries embraced in Schedule "B" are or shall be included in Schedule "B"; and all refineries which may hereafter be acquired or controlled in the same interest shall, as acquired or controlled, be added to said Schedule "B," and by such addition be included in the terms of this agreement.
Tenth.— It is agreed that any business done in either the interior export department or the seaboard export department by any of the refineries or refining companies then embraced in Schedule "A" shall be treated for the purpose of this agreement as if done by the parties of the first part; and that any business done in either of said export departments by any of the refineries or refining companies then embraced in Schedule "B" shall be treated for the purposes of this agreement as if done by the party of the second part.
Eleventh.— It is understood that forty-two (42) gallons constitute a barrel.
Twelfth.— A year, whenever used in this contract, is understood to mean a calendar year.
Thirteenth.— This agreement shall take effect as of the first day of October, 1883, and unless sooner cancelled, as provided in the eighth paragraph, shall remain in force for fifteen (15) years from said first day of October, 1883.
In Witness Whereof, the said parties of the first part have caused their common and corporate seals to be hereto attached and to be attested by the signatures of their proper officers; and the said party of the second part has caused the same to be signed in its name and on its behalf by two of its managers, the day and year first aforesaid.
[Nat. Tran. Co. Seal.] | (Signed by) | BENJAMIN BREWSTER, Vice-President. |
Attest: | JOHN BUSHNELL, Secretary. | |
[U. P. L. Seal.] | (Signed by) | J. J. VANDERGRIFT, President. |
Attest: | H. D. HANCOCK, Secretary. |
SCHEDULE "A" | ||||
Atlas Refining Co. | Works | at | Buffalo, N.Y. | |
Acme Oil Co. of Pennsylvania | " | " | Titusville, Pa. | |
Acme Oil Co. of New York | " | " | Olean, N.Y. | |
Atlantic Refining Co. | " | " | Philadelphia, Pa. | |
American Lubricating Oil Co. | " | " | Cleveland, Ohio. | |
Baltimore United Oil Co. | " | " | Canton, Md. | |
Bush Denslow Mfg. Co. | " | " | South Brooklyn, N.Y. | |
Camden Consolidated Oil Co. | " | " | Parkersburg, W.Va. | |
" " " " | " | " | Canton, Md. | |
Central Refining Co., Limited | " | on | Newtown Creek, L.I. | |
Empire Refining Co., Limited | " | " | " " " | |
Eclipse Lubricating Co., Limited | " | at | Franklin, Pa. | |
" " " " | " | " | Olean, N.Y. | |
Eagle Oil Co. | " | " | Communipaw, N.J. | |
Galena Oil Works, Limited | " | " | Franklin, Pa. | |
Imperial Refining Co. | " | " | Oil City, Pa. | |
Pratt Mfg. Co. | " | " | Bushwick Creek, L.I. | |
Jenny & Son, S. | " | " | Wallabout Land. | |
Donald & Co., James | " | " | Newtown Creek, L.I. | |
Portland Kerosene Co. | " | " | Portland, Me. | |
Paine, Ablett & Co., Limited | " | " | Smith's Ferry. | |
" " " " | " | " | Freedom, Pa. | |
Sone Fleming Mfg. Co., Limited | " | " | Newtown Creek, L.I. | |
Standard Oil Co. of | New York | " | " | " " " |
" " " | " | " | " | Hunter's Point, L.I. |
" " " | New Jersey | " | " | Bayonne, N.J. |
" " " | Pennsylvania | " | " | Pittsburg, Pa. |
" " " | Ohio | " | " | Cleveland, Ohio. |
Union Refining Co., Limited | " | " | Oil City, Pa. | |
Vacuum Oil Co. | " | " | Rochester, N.Y. | |
SCHEDULE "B" | ||||
Chester Oil Co. | Works | at | Chester, Pa. | |
Ocean Oil Co. | " | " | Bayonne, N.J. | |
Seaboard Oil Co. | " | " | " " | |
Solar Oil Co. | " | " | Buffalo, N.Y. |
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