That's not hype... I mean it one hundred and twenty per cent. (do you see me talking like this about anything else?) And I'm not the only one... the thing has won more awards, year after year than just about any other piece of software.
I use Notetab Pro every day. I'm using it to type these words right here. I use it for such a wide array of tasks, if you saw what I have it doing on a daily basis, your jaw would drop. I'm not kidding. The thing that makes Notab special is the clip book. It's WAY more than just a little keeper of text snippets... it's a whole programming language in itself. And before you get all worried that it's too complicated, I can assure you it's no harder to learn than HTML.
Opening and manipulating text files is just the beginning. You can run other programs from it. Move, create and manipulate files... create documents dynamically based on various input. I know... it may sound like more than what you need. But believe you me, if you work with any type of textual files, you will soon wonder how you got along without it. I can say hands down that my Notetab is THE most used, and THE most depended upon application on my computer... and that's not an exageration. Absolutely worth your while to devote a little time to learning how to use Notetab's clipbook.
Alright.... I've been as emphatic as I possibly can. Try it... buy it... steal it if you have to. Ok, well, don't steal it... but definitely try it. (There's a free version and you can download and try out the Pro version for 30 days.)
There are technically three versions, but all you need to worry about are two... Notetab Pro and the free Notetab Light...
Go to the Notetab web site
(For the free version, follow the above link and
find "NoteTab Editors" on the left side of the page.
From there, download Notetab Light)